May 12, 2018
Chris Braaten If you could have one materia from FF7, what would you take and why.
Domenick Scolpini When giving your date the dick in the popcorn trick, do you also put your balls in the hole?
Drew Carson Fuck, marry, kill Trump, Sloth,
Bill Cosby?
Przemek Ciesielski On the serious note, is Cat
having a sex change? Oh and talk about Lords of the Fallen, I'm
playing it now and it's Awsome.
Andrew Spike Lancaster What game was the most deceptively marketed to you
Cj Haviland If you could spend one day as the opposite sex, what would you do?
Domenick Scolpini or who
Cj Haviland If you could bang yourself, would you?
Tj Messina Pick the last character you played as in a video game, how fucked up is your life now?