May 26, 2016
Dick Tattoos, Mona Lisa on Spike's Ass, Siri weighs in, White Knuckling Dicks, The Meat Gazer at the Faire, The Nut Clacker, The Bawl Peen Hammer, The Melon Bawler, The Gym Sausage & Whirpool, The Vault Sploosh
May 17, 2016
Friday The 13th Gameplay Trailer, Pokemon Sun & Moon Starters, COD Trailer, Battlefield Announcements, Star Trek Online to PS4, Disney Infinity Canceled, Fallout 4 Far Harbor + Shits and giggles. (Devin, Spike, Sal, Samson)
May 3, 2016
Sal & Sam "interview" Laura Lockwood A.K.A. Camille Sepuggo; the woman of many voices, including our commercials. Plus video game news: Call of Duty MWF Remaster, Nostalrius vanilla WoW server shutdown and much more.
GUEST: Laura Lockwood
HOSTS: Salvador Madrigal, Samson Lancaster